Despair Fever Wiki

This guide may be updated in the future to adapt to recent updates to the game.

Welcome to Despair Fever!  This blog post is here to give newer players a basic understanding of the various mechanics and concepts that they'll encounter while playing the game.

Let's get started shall we?

Tips for Innocents

In Despair Fever, the main objective is to figure out who is the murderer of the round by gathering evidence and performing investigations, whilst avoiding being murdered. Here are some basic tips to remember while playing the game:

  1. Pay close attention to detail. No matter how small a detail may be, it could be extremely helpful in figuring out who the culprit was. Keep close tabs on your supposed cohorts, investigate odd behavior, and survey the crime scene carefully for any clues that can lead to the true identity of the Killer.
  2. Dormitory rooms are your go-to safe havens. The dormitory rooms are the one place that you could call a protected area of sorts. It's the place where a player can sleep with no interference. Usually, whatever happens inside a room stays inside that room.
  3. Stay with the group. Being with a group provides you two valuable assets, information and protection. You'll usually be able to get a rough picture as to what happened that night or that day, and you'll be at a lower risk of being murdered due to it being generally risky when attempting to murdering a group of players as opposed to one. It'll also be much easier to claim an alibi when being in a group.
  4. Don't bandwagon without verifiable evidence. Bandwagoning on shaky evidence is more likely to be beneficial for the Killer rather than you. Play it smart and don't be incompetent regardless of what your peers are doing.
  5. Don't let your death be so simple. You're going to die frequently. Perhaps you didn't notice the Mask and Coat being slipped on. Perhaps you just happened to slip on a object whilst attempting to escape a manical Killer. No matter what caused it, ensure that the Killer is going to regret it in some form or another. Strike them with a weapon before you go down. Write in your bloody scribble their name or their appearance. Make their life a living hell after your demise.
  6. Don't be an idiot. Looking like a suspicious person is going to give the Killer lots of leeway during the trial. Sure, that full disguise may look cool or that weapon may deserve admiration, but that's just going to cause a distraction when you're attempting to solve the case.

Tips for Killers

Congratulations on winning the Killer Lottery! You're now the person that everyone is attempting to figure out, be it through solid evidence of witness reports. Your main objective is to kill someone by any means and to get away with it. It's not an easy feat... usually.

  1. Boldness kills. Choose where you'd want your murders to take place and attempt to lead your target(s) there. Being bold and killing in a high traffic area can create eyewitnesses that can confirm your identity to others, or can lead to your own demise from an Innocent seeking justice for their fallen ones.
  2. Make use of the people around you. There aren't that many people that you can confide with for help. Other than the admins and a select few people that will give you helpful tips, you're a lone wolf. There are a select few people that you can possibly assist you: surviving Killers and idiotic gamethrowing Innocents. Perhaps a surviving Killer will assist you in sweeping up some evidence, or an absolute buffoon of a Innocent will divert the attention away from you. However, can you be certain that they won't backstab you to take the glory for themselves?
  3. Don't panic. This should go without saying, but your plans are going to fail and you're going to rely on your instincts... which creates a lot of evidence afterwards. After finishing them off, ensure that they're dead before taking off to clean yourself and dispose of any evidence you may have on you. Quietly remove pieces of evidence whilst the investigation is going on while not drawing too much attention to yourself. Planting evidence on others is a good idea, but risky depending on who you decide to plant it on.

Other than those three tips, utilize basic gamesense in-game.