Despair Fever Wiki
Despair Fever Wiki

The Radio is a utility item that can be found in various parts throughout the school.

The Radio allows players to communicate amongst other players with a Radio. However, messages that are sent through the Radio can frequently be garbled, delaying any information from being sent. (Example of a message being messed up: Someone says, "I see a murder at Condos!" Someone radios, "I s## a m#rd## #t ##n#o##")

A distinct noise is heard when someone picks up or drops a radio while a message appears in the chat notifying everyone to the new eavesdropper/disconnection. Each player will be assigned a unique number when using the Radio each round. (Example: [Number] Someone radios, "_____")


  • Players can remove an item from a corpse's body even if Rigor Mortis sets in, so long that it possesses a radio. Simply attempt to take the radio from its inventory, which will cause the body to unequip the item, and you can simply take it. This can be used to bring evidence into trial, or to hide key items.
  • Previously, there was a glitch with the radio that allowed for it to be multiplied. If a player selected the radio in their inventory, closed it, and attempted to drop the radio, a new radio would spawn on the ground while the radio was still in the player's inventory. This allowed for everyone to have a radio, or possibly lag out the server. This glitch has since been patched.