Despair Fever Wiki
Despair Fever Wiki

The Killer is the player that has been tasked with committing at least one murder and to get away with it.

Before a Killer is determined, all players will be given a popup asking them if they want to enter a "Killer Lottery". If they decide to be included in the Lottery, they'll be added to a name pool with a random name from the pool being chosen as the Killer. (The Killer will be chosen at 12 PM, Day 0.) When a Killer is chosen, the Killer may receive a Killer Box, depending on their wishes.

While being a Killer, the player will have access to four unique abilities that they can use. The abilites that are granted are:

  • Can use various Killer-only items. (Killer Box and Disguise Kit are prime examples.)
  • Has the ability to Sprint. (The Sprint is a short speed boost and can be activated via the "Jet Key". The player's screen will flash white when sprinting. Sprinting will be disabled after doing at least two murders.)
  • Doesn't need to sleep, but can fake sleep. (To fake sleep, just type in /sleep.)
  • Has the ability to sense nearby players' heartbeats. (To check for nearby players, press the "Light Key". A text pop-up will appear detailing how many people are nearby that are within speaking distance and screaming distance..)

After committing a murder, the Killer must attempt to hide the act, be it through fabrication of evidence that'll pin on someone else, or by thoroughly cleaning all possible evidence.

Failure to commit murder by 12 PM on Day 3 will result in being automatically slain and a new killer being selected from the pool of current living players regardless of one's wishes.