This page is an archive of the server's /help
command and its rules.
The first day is the day without the killer. However, as soon as night strikes, the culprit is picked. Killer's objective is to murder someone and get away with it. Once the killer does their job, they have to blend in and try to seem least suspicious. A body discovery announcement is initiated when at least two people examine/scream at the body. After a body has been discovered, investigation period starts. During investigation, the crime scene is "frozen" - Nobody can modify the state of the scene and nobody will be able to use weapons. During this period, you will gather Evidence - Fibers, Alibis, Murder Weapon, Murder Method - gather as much information as possible!!! After investigation period ends, the trial period starts. In trial, everyone is teleported to the courtroom where you are given time to discuss everyone's alibis and possible suspects. After trial period is over, it's time to vote the most suspicious person. If majority vote is correct and everyone votes the killer, the killer dies and everyone else lives. However, if the vote is a tie, people didn't vote or majority vote is wrong, the killer wins and everyone else is executed. Trial period is the climax of the round - make sure to pay close attention and figure out the culprit!
Normal chat is local/IC (In-Character) chat. Put @ before your message to whisper (like so: "@whisper")
You can also say /me
action to do an RP action, like "John Doe cooks some food."
To use Killer-to-Admin chat as the killer, use TEAM CHAT (Default key: "Y")
Please follow the chat etiquette defined in the /rules
You can become the killer at first night or by killing the killer. Once you become the killer, you have to kill someone and get away with it. Killing people in public or having a killing spree is completely discouraged. You can only kill so much. After investigation starts, your weapon will be disabled after a minute and you will be unable to kill directly. You can clean up the blood with a mop. To wash blood off yourself, you can use sinks, showers, water pumps, buckets or anything of the like. Sinks, showers, buckets, water pumps clean you head to toe. To clean your weapon, take it out when washing and use "Paint Key" to activate events. You also have a number of cool abilities! You can sprint with "JET" key (default: "RightClick") When holding a sleeping person, you can hold "JET" key to choke them out! This is a bloodless and silent way to kill someone. You can hear nearby heartbeats with "LIGHT" key (default: "R") And, since you will never get tired, you can fake /sleep and get up any time! Being a killer is very hard. Make sure to plan, but don't take your time!
To unlock/lock the door with the key, press "FIRE" and "JET" keys (default: "LeftClick", "RightClick") respectively.
You can sleep with /sleep
if you're sleepy, tired or exhausted. It's highly recommended to go to sleep early, otherwise you will have to sleep way more often!
Dormitory rooms are the best place to sleep. They are your little safe havens. Make sure to lock the door!
Press "LIGHT" key (default: "R") when aiming at a door to knock, and when aiming at the corpse to loot it.
To navigate the inventory menu, scroll w/ mouse and click to take something out. To plant something on the corpse, drop an item when looking at it.
"Hold-click" and move your mouse to carry around a corpse.
You can Scream with "ALARM" key (default: "H"). However, you must be looking at something screwed up, like blood or a body.
People leave Fibers during fights, sleeping or dragging bodies! The fibers take on the colors of their hair or clothes. Coats and hair-hiding masks obscure fibers!
There are NO NON-LETHAL WEAPONS in this gamemode. Everything will kill.
You can find melee weapons all over the map.
EVERYTHING can BREAK DOWN DOORS, however, it takes a while to do so and it's incredibly loud, and effectiveness varies on the weapon.
Attacks from behind cause Shock. This causes the victim to be slow and sluggish. Use this to your advantage!
If you fall in combat, you will enter Critical Health. In that state, your speaking range will be reduced and you will not able to scream as much.
You cannot be saved from that state. However, you can leave your last message with /w[rite] [msg]
! Be sure to be aiming at a surface.
There are plans to expand the combat system, so stay tuned for updates!
- Don't be a dick! We're all here to have fun. If you block doorways, lock people in your rooms or break room doors as a non-killer w/o a reason you will be banned.
- Do not gamethrow! This means don't play at expense of others, deliberately act extra suspicious or pretend to be the culprit. Not taking trials seriously also counts as gamethrowing.
- Surviving Killers are exempt from this rule.
- Follow chat etiquette! Don't reference people by their in-game names, don't spam chat and please don't abuse emoticons. Being offensive for a meme is also bad.
- Don't freekill! You CANNOT attack people for any other reason than self-defense. Threatening people or warning them is NOT AN EXCUSE.
If they swing their weapon at you or are hiding in your closet with their weapon out it counts as SELF-DEFENCE. - Don't metagame! Do not relay in-game information to others through out-of-game means! If we determine you are metagaming you will be banned.
- Don't ERP (Erotic RolePlay)! This is a murder sim, not get-it-on sim. If you want to screw some virtual babe do it somewhere else.
If someone is breaking the rules, use/report
message to get an admin's attention!